Nghĩa của từ rarefy|rarefied|rarefies|rarefying bằng Tiếng Anh


[rar·e·fy || 'rerɪfaɪ /'reər-]

thin out, make less dense; refine, purify

Đặt câu với từ "rarefy|rarefied|rarefies|rarefying"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "rarefy|rarefied|rarefies|rarefying", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ rarefy|rarefied|rarefies|rarefying, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ rarefy|rarefied|rarefies|rarefying trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.

2. The air rarefies at the top of the mountain.

3. 10 Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life.

4. Affrontery rarefied Carder seidai to shop around

5. Upward-moving atmospheric waves could greatly heat a rarefied atmosphere.

6. He moves in very rarefied circles ; his friends are all lords.

7. Compared to Earth, the atmosphere of Mars is quite rarefied.

8. Both animals and people were gasping for breath in the rarefied air.

9. Getting a book published isn't the rarefied literary feat it once was.

10. Nor are the problems confined to the rarefied atmosphere of corporate boardrooms.

11. Here it is tranquil, there is a rarefied atmosphere - still deep blue waters.

12. The false society of men, for earthly greatness . All heavenly comforts rarefied to air.

13. I don't think the rarefied air of the laboratory agrees with you!

14. Even in the rarefied world of foreign correspondents, Simon is a standout.

15. Membership of the rarefied group also extends across the political divide and into US public life.

16. Increasingly, retailers and manufacturers are questioning whether Gore can continue to thrive at such rarefied levels.

17. Wonderful hand - painting, perfect color - matching, rarefied costumes, all of these construct a China - style comic.

18. The methanide anion (CH3−) exists only in rarefied gas phase or under exotic conditions.

19. George Will, a political commentator of rarefied taste, is another who thinks that sport should be taken seriously.

20. Not many of those present had first-hand knowledge of such rarefied accommodation, but they took his meaning.

21. George Will, a political commentator of rarefied taste, is another who thinks that sport should be taken seriously.

22. You might take tea in the rarefied surroundings of Eickhof, a cafe of quite overwhelming temptation for cake-lovers.

23. Arcturus is a fine example of a red giant star — impressively large, accordingly rarefied, brilliantly bright, and surprisingly cool

24. For heaven's sake, you've been breathing the rarefied air of the ivory tower for as long as I can remember.

25. Ultimately, the culture of the oiran grew increasingly rarefied and remote from everyday life, and their clients dwindled.